DISASTER HAS STRUCK!! WINTER COLD AND SPRING FROST HAVE DECIMATED THE CHERRY, PEACH, NECTARINE AND PLUOT CROPS. There will be no U-pick for any of these crops this 2024 season. We will see you in late August when our Gala apples, Bartlett and Asian pears become ripe. Thanks for your interest in our farm.

                CLOSED NOW




               BARTLETT PEARS


Cherry damage from 27 degrees when

the cherries are pea size. = Total Loss.

Remember the weekends are very busy when U-pick is available. Come during the week for a more relaxed U-pick experience.

Aproximate U-pick timings. 
 Fruit availability varies daily depending on how many people come and pick.
Remember these are general timings for harvest. The weather, fruit load on the tree and other factors determine harvest dates.
The dates below are not the actual dates

we will be harvesting. They are guesses

and general timings for fruit maturity.

Listen to our phone messages or see the

exact date announcements made above for

precise U-pick harvest dates. 

Cherries --- Late June  Not available 2024
Regular Red Haven Peach --- August - Not available 2024
Red Globe Peaches --- August - Not available 2024
Elberta Peaches --- Late August - Not available 2024 
Elegant Lady Peach --- Late August - Not available 2024 
Hale Peach --- Early September - Not available 2024
Red Gold Nectarines --- Late August - Not available 2024
Bartlett Pears --- Late August 
Gala apples --- Late August 
Angelus (big) peaches --- Early September - Not available 2024
Seedless Table Grapes --- Early September - Supply Limited
Asian Pears --- Eraly September
Pluots --- Dapple Dandy Early September - Not available 2024
Flavor Grenade ---  Pluot Early September - Not available 2024
Fuji & Golden Delicious Apples --- Early-Mid September 



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